TRAD crack climbing course

Finger lock, Hand jam, Thin hand, Fist, Butterfly, Arm bar, Chicken wings, Off-width...

These English words describe, with increasing width of the crack, the many positions that the body assumes to stuck itself in the cracks with any available limb, to maintain the grip and advance in the climb.
We dedicate 1 long weekend to the use of our body for the progression in a crack: we will use everything, not just hands and feet but also knees, elbows and back; we will use the protections 'friends' and 'nuts', which thanks to the tips of our alpine guides will have no more secrets!

1st weekend: location Cadarese (VB), we climb single pitch cracks, clearly we climb many, until we drop!
Required grade: 6b.

location Orco Valley, here we tackle the multi-pitch routes.
Required grade: 5c / 6a.

The course is intended for those who already practice sport climbing and want to try crack climbing and the traditional protection system (Trad).

Follow us on social networks so you don't miss the dates!


Spring 26-27- 28 maggio Orco Valley .
Orco Valley if is bad weather Cadarese
Summer Cornisello segantini Hut Presanella
rock climbing shoes, harness, helmet, finger tape or gloves, 70-80 m rope, giga jul mega jul or ATC, 4 screw carabiner, daisy chain; if you have any, bring your friends and nuts.
Cost per person
650 € with 2 participant;
470€/ with 3/4 participant;
Long weekend: We can pick you up in the Airport because we start the trip
Driving not including , sleeping including in the price
min. 4 / max. 8 persone
suitable for the season and the weather, gore-tex or windproof jacket always recommended.



3-days 470€ for 3/4 people 650€ for 2 People